Nueva Caceres Technology Solutions, Inc. Apps

PLDT Concessionaire Solution 1.3.1
BEFORE DOWNLOADING, PLEASE READ: This is an enterprise app and isnot for general public use. Download this app only if your companyhas a subscription to PLDT Concessionaire and a login credentialhas been entrusted to you.To learn more about PLDT Concessionaire, visit
Attendance Roll Call 1.1.4
Roll Call is a mobile application for checkingattendance and similar purposes. Powered by Google Drive, it usesGoogle spreadsheet as data source and as cloud backup, thus, aGoogle account is required.HERE'S HOW:1. Using your Google account, create a Google spreadsheet followingthe rules of Roll Call2. Open Roll Call on your phone (your Google account must be activeon the phone)3. Login to load your attendance sheet, and proceed checkingattendance4. With internet connection, attendance will automatically syncwith your Google spreadsheet5. With a full browser, open your Google spreadsheet to view andprint full attendance reportCREATING A GOOGLE SPREADSHEET:1. Go to and login using your Google account2. Click 'Create' and click 'Spreadsheet'3. Encode your attendance listROLL CALL RULES FOR CREATING SPREADSHEETS:Rule No. 1: Filename must follow the format: '$ROLLCALL' then spacethen titleExample: $ROLLCALL Physics101, $ROLLCALL Swim Team, $ROLLCALLHistory N5Rule No. 2: Cells A1 and B1 are reserved cells used to locatethe first record - do not put your data in these cells. A1 shouldcontain a number pertaining to the column number of the firstrecord (Note: A is 1, B is 2, C is 3, and so on). B1 should containa number pertaining to the row of the first record.Example: A1 = 3 and B1 = 5, means that the first record, say astudent, is at cell C5Rule No. 3: (Optional) Cell C1 is a reserved cell used to setmaximum number of allowable absences - do not put your data in thiscell.Example: C1 = 10, means that if a record, say a student, hasincurred 10 absences, his record entry in Roll Call will behighlighted, locked and made 'un-tap-able'.SETTING UP YOUR GOOGLE ACCOUNT ON PHONE:1. On your Android phone go to Settings, Accounts, Add account andtap Google2. Choose Existing (or New, if you have no Google accountyet)3. Configure your account accordingly. Make sure sync to GoogleDrive is on.CHECKING ATTENDANCE:1. Open Roll Call and login. If you have more than one activeGoogle accounts on your phone, you will be prompted to choose theaccount.2. Roll Call-compatible Google spreadsheets will automaticallyload, thus internet connection is required. Tap the spreadsheet touse.3. Check your attendance! Toggle-tap present-absent to markrecords. When done, tap 'Save & Sync'. Roll Call willautomatically sync to the corresponding spreadsheet on GoogleDrive.FAQs:1. What will happen to the attendance report if I lost internetconnection after checking? -- No problem. With Nueca's 'swable'(sync-when-able) algorithm, just check your attendance and RollCall will keep the data on the device. When your device regainsinternet connection, Roll Call will automatically sync with GoogleDrive (even without you noticing it).2. Do I really have to follow Roll Call rules on creatingspreadsheets? -- Yes. You must, otherwise, your spreadsheet willnot be read by Roll Call or you may not be able to achieve bestresults. Don't worry, there are only 3, 1 is optional, and they'reall easy to follow.3. What happens if I leave cell C1 empty? -- It ok. It willsimply tell Roll Call not to count the number of absences eachrecord or student incurred, thus, Roll Call will not highlight tomark records as 'dropped' or 'blocked'.For a quick guide using Roll Call, see the 'Open Guide' withinthe app. Help us make Roll Call even more powerful! Email yourcomments and suggestions to [email protected] Call is a product of Nueva Caceres Technology Solutions,Inc. (Nueca) Learn more at
Ateneo de Naga University 1.0.3
Ateneo de Naga University mobile app is theeasiest and quickest way to learn about the University's latestnews, academic calendar, featured events, alumni updates, eventgallery, and featured videos.Already introduced in this version is the mobile servicesmodule, which initially offers prospective students the facility torequest for course information.In the upcoming versions, more useful services, also forstudents and alumni, will be added to the services module.Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!
Peopoll 1.1
Peopoll is an app that allows the publictovote either "Yes" or "No" on a published question based on atopicor issue.To share a poll entry, email [email protected] the following:1. Your name and university/institution/company;2. Photo you wish to accompany your topic and the name to whomthephoto should be credited to or the URL from which it wastakenfrom;3. Pre-question text or story;4. Poll question, answerable by "Yes" or "No" only;5. URLs to articles you believe will help the public understandthetopic before casting a vote (we require a minimum of 3).A poll question is published every Monday and will remainopenfor voting until Friday. Final result stays publisheduntilSunday.Peopoll is a platform aimed at encouraging people to learn moreandreflect upon issues before casting vote. As such, wehighlyencourage entries with appropriate photo crediting andhelpfularticles. The moderators of this platform reserve the righttopublish or reject shared poll entries.Peopoll is powered by handiSurvey, a product of NuevaCaceresTechnology Solutions, Inc. (Nueca)
Imonggo Sales Dashboard 1.0.9
Imonggo Sales Dashboard is a handy appwhereyou can track your sales on your mobile device. Made withImonggo’susers in mind, this easy sales tracker lets you view yourdaily,weekly and monthly sales records by syncing with yourImonggoaccount at any time. Beautiful graphs present your retailstore’sperformance, and easily lets you compare your sales dataovertime.
Tapidee Waiter by Nueca 1.7
Waiter transforms your Android device into anorder taking tool. Here's how it works:1. Tap in the ordered items;2. Review order summary;3. Send orders to counter or kitchen printer.Hardware Requirements:1. Wifi Router2. Epson (ethernet or wifi) POS or kitchen printerEmail us at [email protected] to request for a FREE starter account.We'll assist you setup your products via the web-interface.Copyright (C) 2016 Nueva Caceres Technology Solutions, Inc.